What inspires a person? Art? Music? Films? Family? Historical Figures? Politicians? Religion? Yourself? Your past? Your present? The possibilities of your future? Many things inspire people and as I write more blogs expressing my own feelings, ideas and work it becomes clear to me the various different inspirations I have. In most of my work, its about my feelings and what's happening in my life at the time which is a common characteristic in artists work. But there are other aspects of inspiration that I use to help me create what I feel.
After watching the film Donnie Darko directed by Richard Kelly it really struck a chord with me intellectually and creatively. Not just the film but the score composed by Michael Andrews had devoured my mind as soon as I started watching the film. Basically, the film is about a boy, Donnie Darko, who starts imagining a man-like bunny called Frank who tells him to do criminal things. But throughout the film these criminal things uncover more unjust acts of crimes from his neighbors thus making his actions "right". Its about Donnie's acknowledgment of time travel as well and the fact he can see his own destiny forming in front of him, tangible leading him to where he needs to go and what he needs to do. At the beginning Frank tells him to leave his bedroom and his house, as he does an airplane engine falls through the roof into Donnie's bedroom which would have killed him instantly. Because he missed dying a whole new series of events begin to unravel and after he figures out what time travel is he sees a vortex in the sky where his mum and sister on an airplane hit into the vortex sending their engine back into the past to Donnie's room. This is where we are taken back to Donnie laughing in his room as he understands why Frank has been following him and messing with his mind and that he must die so that his mother and sister live, which he does. Changing and saving the future. Now, don't ask me what Donnie is fully about because I haven't a clue, every time I watch it I gather more in my mind and more swims around about the meaning but I'll save it for now. Because I didn't understand it it made me confused but eager to learn more. Its one of those films that you think, eh? at the end because it grabs you by the brain and holds on until the end and afterwards. This film and the score inspired me thorughout some of my work but one that it affected most was the "Floating Motion" shown in an earlier blog. The soundtrack for that piece was from the score as well. The film is eeire and surreal and is touching. Totally inspiring. Until next time...
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