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Final Media Product

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"Eye to Brain"  is my final media product for visual communication. It is a stop motion animation using photographs to portray the relationship between the eye and the brain. This 1 minute 18 second animation consists of 197 photographs and was made using slow shutter speeds in a light-less room using only a wind up torch to illuminate the figure's face and create the light spears and orbs. The figure represents the mind, he is himself in his mind, the camera is his eyes. He becomes uncertain of the camera in front of him, his eyes that have shown him something on the outside that the isn't familiar with. He looks through his eyes and the electrical pulses inside his brain that travels to his cells, he comprehends the new environment that is front of him. He then takes a photograph which represents a memory. The music used is "Philosophy of Time Travel" by Michael Andrews. The music is calming and slow and surreal which I felt really fits in with the feeling if the sequence. I am really happy with the result of this project and I feel that I have started a concept I want to use in future projects.


L said...

Love the piece! So ethereal and ghostly, great model too!! :) xxx

Lisa Lees said...

Love it! Have watched it several times and see something new in it every time. Well done!

Kevin Miller said...

Fanastic video Hayley, such an imagination. Oresome music I felt like getting the weed out. Loving the flash from the camera at the end. BRILL!!

Kevin Miller said...

Sorry Haley, Forgot XXX.

L said...

lmao you were right first time KaMiller :) xx

H.Sargent said...

thankyou everyone :)thanks for your comments :D xxx

Patrick Allen said...

Both the media product (video) and the blog are excellent. It’s also great to see such detailed development work with storyboards etc.
In addition, your understanding of the theory behind visual communication is commendable. You have also brought in some of the issues that we didn’t really going to much depth with – namely, the psychology of visual perception. This is really good. You have also used some of these ideas to inform the production of your creative output – so full marks for that. This, at the end of the day, is exactly what we are looking for.
Well done!
Both the media product (video) and the blog are excellent. It’s also great to see such detailed development work with storyboards etc.
In addition, your understanding of the theory behind visual communication is commendable. You have also brought in some of the issues that we didn’t really going to much depth with – namely, the psychology of visual perception. This is really good. You have also used some of these ideas to inform the production of your creative output – so full marks for that. This, at the end of the day, is exactly what we are looking for.
Well done!

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